Hello there!

Welcome to the world of a slightly darkly coloured mind! …To my surprise, “darkly” is an actual word… Anyways, what I’ll cover here are;

  • The life of an accomplished senior professional reflecting on a life hidden by fancy titles
  • Living with my besties; anxiety and depression, and the rest of the crew of “healthy” coping mechanisms – how is this not a reality TV show already?! Could not wait to vote them off the island!
  • Words I never knew were words before I wrote them on Word, hit the space button, and waited for the word to turn squiggly red below, on Word…and then not…magic! …well, sure, you don’t actually see them as, well, if they’re wrong, I correct them but, when they are right…when they are right…Word validates and surprises me…Those moments! So precious. Darkly precious.
  • Me getting slightly side-tracked for whatever good reason
  • I mean it’s not like I hate pineapples, I just don’t understand how they grow. Doesn’t every self-respecting fruit hang from a tree? Or at least hang from the green parts? But pineapples? Noooooo, “let me stand on this green thing, put my fruit on, and then my green hat on”. Pffft. Pineapples.
  • The fucked up nature of depression and anxiety et al. and how I’ve, and maybe others too (?), handle it while still getting shit done
  • Cheering you on. Seriously. Whatever you are going through; you will get through it. If I’ve been there; let’s share feelings and stories. If it’s not in my area, I’d still love to hear about it. I don’t know much, but I do know pain. Let’s talk; you speak, I listen.